Electric Cautery
Electrocautery is a safe, effective way to remove unwanted skin growths like skin tags. Electrocautery uses a combination of heat and energy to quickly and gently remove the growth with little to no discomfort. The electrocautery tool uses electricity to generate heat, which is applied to the skin. The heat cauterizes the skin tissue and seals blood vessels. This treatment does not involve any cutting or stitching, so it reduces the recovery time compared to traditional surgery.
Acne Injection (Kenalog)
The Kenalog 10 contains the active ingredient Triamcinolone, which is a medication with strong anti-inflammatory properties. The medication is injected directly into the acne cyst, reducing redness and inflammation. Healing of the area begins almost immediately and resolves within the next 24 hours! This is your answer to the acne cyst that won’t go away!

Shave Excisions
Shave excisions involve a tiny painless injection of local anesthetic to numb. A special surgical removal technique is then used to plane down the mole or lesion so it is flat on the skin.
A sclerosing solution is injected into the small leg veins (spider veins), causing them to collapse and disappear.
If you would like to learn more about this service schedule your complimentary consultation with us today